Vocabulary Rules For Accurate Use Of Words

13 June 2022
Having an impressive vocabulary is mandatory to be fluent in a language. You must be using all possible ways to learn new …
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Vocabulary Rhymes: Learning Vocabulary With Fun

6 June 2022
Children are, by nature, curious which makes it easier to teach them. But what adults often forget is that kids need to be…
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Vocabulary Review Activities for Better Memorization of Words

25 May 2022
There is no point in learning new words if you are going to forget the old ones and need to learn them again. This way, it…
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Vocabulary Empowerment: Find Empowerment in Words

16 May 2022
What does empowerment mean? It means becoming stronger, more in control, and having confidence. And how does improving yo…
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Why Do We Need Vocabulary Enhancer in Language Learning?

9 May 2022
Learning vocabulary is a never-ending process. The more words you learn, the more you advance towards fluency. You need to…
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How Can Vocabulary Exercises Help Improve Language Skills?

2 May 2022
According to linguist David Wilkins, “Without grammar little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveye…
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Vocabulary Education for Achieving a Great Score In IELTS

23 April 2022
The importance of learning English is beyond description. It is the international language and medium of higher education …
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English Vocabulary Easy Learning: Made Simple

19 April 2022
What is the best way to learn English vocabulary? Well, there is no correct answer to that question. There are several str…
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Vocabulary Easy Words: Enhance Your Language Skill

13 April 2022
Whenever we talk about vocabulary expansion, we focus mostly on learning new words which are pretty uncommon and unknown t…
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How to Prevent Vocabulary Errors?

6 April 2022
Consider these phrases: It’s going to rain Its lost Its color will fade The dog cannot find its owner …
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